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Paul K. Benjamin
415.480.4009 - paul@pkbvisions.com

imeem, inc.

Last week I had the pleasure of taking head shots of the top individuals behind the popular music community network, imeem. If you have not had a chance to try their service yet, take a moment and just sign up... you will love it! I was shocked how amazing the HQ offices were, so fun and relaxed...it's no wonder everyone who works there seemed so happy. Wikipedia has a great bio of their company and the technology behind what they do. To be honest, it is all a bit over my head, but I am a member and enjoy listening to streaming music on my MBP. As for the pictures, here are just a sample...I am sure you will see more of these very intelligent young folks in your local newspapers and webcasts, they are growing with leaps and bounds! Congrats to the entire imeem team.