Sebastopol is a small town North of San Francisco in the beautiful Wine Country. My wife and I like to go up there to get away from the bustle of the City. This time, we ended up at a friends house...they had a pair of female pygmy goats named Laverne and Shirley. They raised them from babies and the goats have the friendly nature of a well-behaved dog. It was really great to get away, even if it was for just a Saturday afternoon. I highly recommend escaping to the Napa Valley if you have a chance, you may meet a nice goat along the way.
There is something fascinating about a human's ability to manufacture stuff. From cars to planes to video games, we really know how to make really cool things. What is our motivation? It could be just that we are born with the could be divine intervention...or it could be that we mimic what already exists in our environment. The latter was never more clear when I was snapping off some shots of the 2008 San Francisco Fleet Week Air Show performers. When watching these high powered jets dance in the air I could not help but associate them with the pelicans, hawks, and seagulls that share the same airspace. Think what you will about the armed forces and this seemingly wasteful display of government resources...but just like the Gumball 3000 and the Olympic Torch Rally, Fleet Week is just plain (or plane) cool. Enjoy these pictures of the jets, the birds, and the environment they reside in.
Unfortunately, I do not get to see my cousins very often...but when I do we always have a good time and have a ton of laughs. My cousin Peter has two children that had a kick watching me take I turned the camera on them the end result are some pretty timeless moments. Be sure to cherish the little ones in your life, whether it is your own kids, your cousin's kids, or just a friend's kids...I believe that you can learn allot from someone who wants to learn from you. Enjoy these pictures.
This past weekend, my Wife and I went to sunny Arizona to celebrate her sister's birthday. We all had a great time and I was able to pull away from the partying to snap some shots. Our last full day there had the most familiar was overcast and about 80 degrees...perfect for the SF natives! I must comment on the scenery though, just like in the photos from my trip to Missouri last month, the skies have the most dramatic clouds that seem to go on forever. I hope you enjoy these photos, if you ever have a chance to go out to the Arizona area please do and take your will not be let down. For more photos please click here. Did you know that AZ is one of our countries leading agricultural states...offering us corn, cotton, lettuce and more...I honestly had no idea that anything could thrive in the dessert! This is a cotton field...the plants look just like a rose bush with cotton balls attached...really amazing.